Blog Action Day 2013: Breath of My Heart Birthplace
For Blog Action Day, we are spotlighting the valuable work being done by our client, Breath of My Heart Birthplace, in Española, NM.
Birth rights are human rights, and a woman giving birth has the fundamental right to make decisions regarding her body, her baby, and the baby's birth to see a physical and emotionally healthy new entry into the world.
Breath of My Heart Birthplace is a community-run birth center providing choices to pregnant women in Española, New Mexico - a place rooted in Native American and Hispanic traditions. The Clinic and its dedicated midwives provide critical pre-natal, pregnancy and birth services for women in an area where poor birth outcomes persist. Local women are commuting up to 100 miles for pre-natal care to visit hospitals in other towns. This service provides a local, healthy solution.
The National Center for Infants, Toddlers, and Families reports that 71% of children born in New Mexico have at least one risk factor known to increase the chance of poor health and developmental outcomes - 9% higher than the nationwide rate.
Social Enterprise Associates is proud to work with Breath of My Heart Birthplace and help the community of Española improve the lives of its children and mothers.
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